
Who We Are

Flightslogic is an international travel technology and travel software company and we serve travel companies from 100+ countries across four continents. Flightslogic platform is powered by 200+ suppliers across flight, hotels, car, sightseeing, vacations and other ground services.

What We Do

We partner with our clients to provide strong distribution capabilities - B2B/B2C / B2B2C travel technology, automate travel business process, powerful back office system, flexible content management system and feature a unique standardization element.

Why Us

Flightslogic develop and enable access to extensive range of travel suppliers which includes all GDS, LCCs, 600,000+ Hotels, 200,000 Activities, 50000+ Car rental locations, Crusies, Eurail, Bus, Insurance and tours and travel experiences worldwide.

Let's Discover

The World Together

One of the leading online booking engine providers EXCLUSIVELY for travel agencies. Our aim is to provide you with a fast and easy online access to the products your clients are asking for, wherever and whenever that may be.

Flight Booking Portal - Get Responsive Design for Flight Booking Portal With The Best Affordable Prices

FlightsLogic Provides a Robust, Secure, and Feature-Rich Flight Booking Portal for Travel Agents, Tour Operators, and Travel Companies. We Offer a B2B Flight Booking System to Simplify Flight Reservations and Air Ticket Booking Management.


Leading Flight Booking Portal for Travel Brands


Flightslogic provides a Flight Booking Portal system software used for airline merchandising, bookings, and distribution. This Airline Booking System software is needed to manage booking, scheduling, and delivery of necessary information to the end-user.

To be aggressive in the market as far as turnover, goodwill and benefit age it is fundamental for the airline organizations to have a compelling and best booking system. The Airlines Management System has profited both the airline business and the client too.

For the aircraft business, it has preferences, for example, the exactness of the information, settling complaints of the customer, getting the confidence of customers, building goodwill in the market and an increase in the surplus, etc.

For the customer, it has favorable circumstances, for example, basic and convenient access of information, the security of their money, a sparing of time, value assessment, flight ticket programming, ease in holding and getting offers from a couple of airline associations.

We are a dominant travel technology organization offering travel technology items to organizations occupied with the travel division.

Our portal helps travel organizations in delivering simple services to their guests. Through API/XML integration of GDS such as Amadeus, travel website we help in upgrading end-user experience by providing them updated information as per their need.

We give business procedures to fill your planes, rationale for your bleeding edges, and innovation to take your carrier to the following level.

We deliver travel technology products for Flights, Flight booking Engines, relocation, excursion, and customized packages, etc. We have deployed our work toward enhancing the efficiency of the B2B travel booking system, B2C and B2B2B corporate universally.


How Much Does It Cost To Develop a Online Flight Booking Portal?


We use cloud-based and completely incorporated arrangements that offer help to all carrier plans of action. Flightslogic is built entirely on new technologies to provide a flexible system and business model for highly efficient operations.

Our advanced system provides an excellent platform for streamlining operations, controlling costs, and achieving optimal performances.

Flightslogic will design, develop, host and deliver automated Flight Booking Portals to the airline and travel industries including the latest airline reservation systems which provide modern, flexible reservations and inventory management solutions for airlines which including call centers, travel agencies, and internet ticket sales and real-time bookings.

Our standard solution provides an integrated Departure Control System with a very easy to use interface for rapid passenger check-in and real-time access to reservations.

Inventory, schedule, fares and agent control modules provide a complete solution for airlines to manage their bookings and ticket reservations.

Recent, powerful, and measurable reservations architecture provides a stable and suitable platform to airlines of all sizes and with industry-standard interfaces to all outside booking systems.

They include GDSs, other airline computer reservation systems, SSIM schedules, and ATPCO (Airline Tariff Publishing Company) prices.

Our Flight Booking Portal is an online booking arrangement that aides in merging information from every one of the airlines using worldwide distribution system. Our system provides inventory and rates in real-time to customers as well as travel agents.

Since the search is finished, the client would approach booking his preferred flight. Here let us take one search agent results where there is an option to book the flight which the customer selects to book on the android mobile device.

The security Agent collects the information from the user and transmits encrypted information to a third party to verify if the Airline website can be trusted or not by contacting the Airline Agent.

After the Airline is successfully verified and validated by the security agent, the Flight information based on user preference is returned to the user from the Airline Agent for confirmation. 

Also, the Airline cancellation policy also presents to the user to accept for payment processing. Once the user accepts this information and proceeds to book the flight, the user is presented with the screen to input details of credit card and present biometric which in our case is the fingerprint.

The novelty in our research is that the user need not remember card number or so. The only thing the user needs to know is the credit card type and gives his biometric information for the transaction.

After the fingerprint is acknowledged, the system verifies whether the fingerprint impression is found in the database by reaching the card operator.

For that the fingerprint is encrypted and the encryption keys are generated using 256-bit encryption. Once encrypted, the information is passed onto the security Agent which contacts the card agent to see if the Fingerprint is found in the database and the confirmation is sent to the user’s mobile handset.

If the user fingerprint is not available in the database, then it is intimated to use a mobile phone as a record not found. This could be due to many reasons such as Fingerprint not given properly or the user does not possess credit card etc.

One record found based on fingerprint data, the user credit card information is retrieved and displayed along with the final billing amount for the user to confirm and do final payment shows the payment being processed.

Once payment processed successfully, the transaction information is sent to the user’s mobile handset by the card agent and also updated in the database too.

In science and technology, the desire for development is a steady subject that triggers progressions. This is unmistakable in each consequence and the travel business isn't an exclusion.

The Flight Booking Portal idea was first presented in the late 1950s as generally simple independent systems to control flight inventory, keep up flight plans, and situate assignments and airplane stacking.

Today modern flight booking portal systems are comprehensive suites of items to give systems that help an assortment of aircraft management boards and service client needs from the hour of initial reservation through the finish of the flight.

The World Wide Web has turned out to be immensely prevalent in the course of the most recent four years, and as of now, the vast majority of the aircraft have made provision for online reservation of their flights.

The Internet has turned into a major asset for individuals searching for reserving a spot online without the problem of gathering travel agents by executing an online reservation system this guarantees reservation isn't just produced by the aircraft possess staff yet in addition by any travel agent utilizing a Global Distribution System or different airlines that have a multilateral Interline Traffic Agreement with the aircraft.

A Computer Reservations System is a modernized system used to store and recover data and lead exchanges identified with the travel. Computer Reservation Systems are named Passenger Service Systems (PSS) which handles a progression of basic capacities for the aircraft.

For an Airline, the booking system is a crucial system that should utilize the most recent cutting edge technology to accommodate all flight reservations on a hearty stage, which is adaptable and can be adjusted to any style of the aircraft.

Secure and stable systems are vital to the airline business which is the reason organizations spend numerous years structuring a design explicitly fit the idea of the airline business which regularly requires a huge number of clients to access and utilize the system at the same time.


Intelligent agent-based flight search and secure booking system:


The Intelligent Agent-based Search and verified Booking system i.e. developed surround two important facets of the travel industry, which includes the search for flights and booking the flights, which includes payment part.

When a search is done by means of an agent, which is a replication of a travel agent, it is important that the optimum results are returned to the user.

Another factor to be considered is that the hunt must be proficient, brisk and it must return just what is requested which will keep the client from spending a lot of time skimming through unnecessary information as it exists in the current system. 

The booking of flights by means of a cell phone is similar to booking flights through a website, however what is distinctive is that in this situation we are not booking flights by means of the cell phone by getting to a site directly and taking the necessary steps similarly as we would in the event that we were utilizing our work desktop or laptop computers.

So as to effectively do this, we have a few variables to remember, for example, Security, Third Party Connectivity Channels, Encryption Mechanism, and Biometric Implementation which structures a crucial part of the security platform.

Also, the booking of flight includes the utilization of a client's credit card, which incorporates secret data. In light of this, care must be taken on how a client exchange is handled through the cell phone. We will currently clarify the jobs and duties of every part of the architectures.


Artificial Intelligence in Flight Reservation Systems:


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the key technology in a significant number of the present novel applications, ranging from banking systems that identify endeavored credit card fraud, to phone systems that get discourse, to programming systems that notice when you are having issues and offer proper advice.

These advances would not exist today without the continued government support of fundamental AI investigates in the course of the recent three decades. The zone of flight reservation systems is no special case for the presence of Artificial Intelligence.

Numerous airlines have picked to strip the greater part of their property to Global Distribution Systems (GDS) because of which numerous systems are currently open to customers through Internet portals for hotels, vehicle rental organizations, and different services just as airline tickets.

A traveler or a travel agent can chalk out an itinerary using a GDS which is a global system interconnecting airlines, hotels, travel agents, car rental companies, cruise liners, etc.

There are four major Global Distribution Systems, and they are AMADEUS, GALILEO, SABRE, and WORLDSPAN.

The Sabre reservation system is utilized by American Airlines and boasts an intelligent interface named PEGASUS, which is a communication language interface, associated with Sabre which enables subscribers of getting flight data and reserve flight spot by means of an enormous, on-line dynamic database got to through their personal computer over the telephone.

As technology advances and more persons are becoming smartphone users, the need exists to give internet users from desktops, laptops, and smartphones the ability to search for flights and to book flights online.

Therefore, we have several applications that have given users the ability to work on smartphones such as blackberries, iPhone and android.

One of the major concerns for Smartphone clients is the real reserving of the flight since this incorporates the utilization of credit cards and with the numerous occurrences of identity theft and fraud over the internet, these raise a red flag.


Online Flight Booking Portal systems saves your staff time:


When you consider the work process of your client assistance staff, it's plain to see that a terrible part of the time is taken up taking care of telephone calls from individuals looking to book, disclosing alternatives to clients and managing plans.

The requests of a telephone-based booking system require an individual from your staff is always accessible to deal with appointments.

You probably won't think about this as an issue with client care staff close by, yet consider the working hours which could be discharged by moving to an online flight booking portal.

Since Flightslogic is completely automated, if there's space accessible for a given date, your client can pick their choices, pick a date and time, pay and get an email confirmation with no human association on your end – opening up your staff to accomplish progressively important things with their time.

That is an immense bit of leeway of web-based booking stages and one which can enormously profit your business.


Removing the bottleneck of phone booking systems:


One of the real focal points of web-based booking is that with a telephone-based booking platform, you're bringing a tremendous bottleneck into your business that can keep clients from setting their appointments with you.

Most telephone booking systems rely on customers calling during office hours, but for many people, they simply don’t have the time to book whilst they’re in the middle of their workday.

Also, the way that just a single guest can book at a time except if your working different telephone lines (which, thus, require more staff to manage).

This will not only free up your time but also may open up a new revenue stream. No matter which way you cut it, that’s a bottleneck that can stifle success and reduce revenue.

Online booking platforms like Flightslogic, on the other hand, offer the distinct advantage of letting customers book anytime and anywhere they see fit, on whatever device they’re using. It implies quickly evacuating any bottleneck inside your booking technique and opening the genuine capability of your business.


Grater sales and marketing strategy:


How frequently do you wind up saying "all our data is on our side" a day? We’re willing to bet that it’s more than a handful.

These days, our websites are more than mere contact information for our brick-and-mortar locations, they’re huge repositories of information regarding our business, what we offer and more.

Things being what they are, the reason does not offer the chance to book close by that convincing duplicate? By making your customers leave your product page or website in order to place a booking order, you’re introducing unnecessary complications for your customers, cutting their chances of making the sorts of drive appointments which bring such a great amount of revenue in.


Modern Approach to booking:


The present clients aren't finding organizations through phone directories, and they aren't discovering data about mobile booking software your items and services by sending off for a list.

No, they’re increasingly finding out everything they need to know about you’re offering by heading online. There’s no shortage of reasons why that’s the case, but you’d be missing out on a huge advantage by not making the most out of the tremendous opportunity the internet offers businesses.

By incorporating your booking platform with your item pages, you can go where, progressively, the majority of your clients are. As the telephone booking trend slowly dies, the competitive disadvantage of not having an online booking platform will widen, leaving you behind. So keep up with the booking trend and move online.


Increased Revenue thanks to upselling:


In any business, you’re going to face immense competition, which typically leads to something of a race to the bottom in regards to price.

That’s why it’s so important to upsell goods and services to your customers. That may mean a meal included on a visit, things are accessible to procure for travel or a pursue on course.

Web-based booking platforms like Flightslogic bring upselling into the booking procedure, giving you a chance to offer setting context-specific items and offers to clients who may have run over them generally.

It's simply one more advantageous position of web-based booking platforms and another approach to developing your business during a time of web first appointments.


Easy Refund Policies:


Easy cancellation and refund policies are there for travelers. With only a single Snap-On cancellation button in Airline Reservation System, tickets are dropped and travelers get their discounted sum in their bank account directly.

Every one of these highlights has encouraged travelers to book their tickets on the web. Additionally, airline organizations, who have grasped aircraft reservation system, have accomplished their income objectives effectively.

With the advancement of technology, you find many persons with a Smartphone that operates at the level and capability of a desktop PC or laptop.

Most huge companies today give smartphones to administrators and directors. In light of this, clients are currently equipped for getting to different applications and administrations from their cell phones.

Therefore IABFS-SBS seeks to address gaps that exist where persons can continue with their busy lifestyles and yet book flights, cancel flights, view airline popularity and ratings based on the frequency of travel by passengers, view real-time arrivals and departures.

There are several applications in existence that offer travelers the capability to book flights, and hotel rooms and outline a travel schedule as was previously discussed.

However, IABFS-SBS offers to the Android platform specifically the ability to enjoy an Intelligent Agent-based flight search that has the added facility of agent learning that studies patterns and returns user-specific information to the potential passenger.

Additionally, the system is replete with security, offering biometric encrypted features used when booking or canceling a flight, which offers potential users enough comfort that even though the operation is being done from a mobile device.

Prior to modern computing, the booking system was finished utilizing manual methods. This implied an individual about to travel had to spend a lot of unnecessary time holding up in lines so as to book their tickets.

The manual procedure of reservation was likewise inclined to human mistakes, which lead to a ton of disappointment among explorers. These days competition is so furious between aircraft that there are a ton of limits and a lot of luxuries given to clients that will give an edge to that specific airline.

The online airline reservation automates these procedures of booking airline tickets on the web, in this way diminishing the time-wasting as well as the errors that are associated with the manual procedure.

People will argue that an online airline reservation system is expensive, and create unfair competition between other airlines that don’t have them.

From the researchers' view, online airline reservation is one the best advancement that has occurred in the aircraft business and those organizations that have not yet grasped airline reservation system should miss out, they may locate extra costs, support cost and the expense of development as their downsides yet.

World Wide Web and the Internet are here and airline companies for the future will seize this opportunity to develop airline reservation systems and prosper.



Revolutionizing Online travel

  • Multiple Sales Channels - B2C, B2B, B2B2C, B2B2B, Call Center, Front Desk
  • Low cost of ownership
  • Online Booking Engine - Flight,Hotel,Holiday Package,Car,Sightseeing and Transfers
  • GDS, XML & Travel API Integration
  • Complete booking management system
  • Comprehensive reporting module
Vacation Packages
Itinerary Creator

Our Clients Are

Let us put the #No.1 Cloud Solution

from IBM to work for you

Every project we take on starts with the aim of being our 'best yet', so you can be assured that our attention to detail and high quality work is present in every job we craft. We want our customers to be as excited and proud of the end product as we are, and we strive towards that goal every day.

Ranked Best Travel API Globally

Reasons to work with Flightslogic?

  • Most affordable online reservation system.
  • Market proven end to end solution on cloud.
  • Unique B2B and Back office module.
  • Enhanced reservation flow, affiliates network, sales and analytics tools.
  • Comprehensive booking management tools
  • Multi languages and currencies in the booking engine
  • Real time inventory